Why A Blog Is Very Important For A Photography Business

If there is one topic that I could go on and on about it’s blogging. It not only helps you get found by potential clients looking for your services, but you can even make money from a blog that has nothing to do with your photography sessions!

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Before I started blogging, yes even as a photographer, I honestly had zero clue what it was about. I thought I had to have some sort of writing degree to even have a blog. 

But I couldn’t deny that I was reading everywhere how amazing a blog can be for ANY business.  So I dug in. You would not believe how many doors opened for me after I just jumped in and went for it. 

I do know it’s not talked about too much in the photography industry. But it NEEDS to be. 

It is definitely a strategy that you can start implementing today to showcase your authority, gain the trust of potential clients, and ultimately gain more business. 

You can research on your own about how to blog, but there isn’t much out there specifically for photographers. We need to tailor our blogs a little differently than the typical blogger. 

Blogging began as a way for people to keep an online diary, or web log. That is where the term blog came from. Today, blogging is one of the top strategies for businesses to be found.

If you have a website for your photography, then you can have a blog. 

Yes, you would typically post your blog on your social media platforms for people to see. But there are actually 2 other ways I’m going to tell you about that have nothing to do with social media.

First, let me explain why a photographer would have a blog. 

  • It is a GREAT way to showcase your work from sessions

  • There are still people out there that rarely use social media to search for our services. 

  • You can make money from it that has nothing to do with booking sessions

  • You get to showcase YOU

I realize you might be saying to yourself that you hate writing. You're a photographer, why would you write?! Honestly, it’s not as daunting as you might think. 

You have photographs and sessions right? You are halfway there already! Your photographs are what will actually make up more than half of the content you need for a blog post.

The rest will be words, but you as a photographer would barely have to write anything! 

Create a questionnaire template to send to your clients before their session. Or even after their session so they have something to do while they are waiting for their amazing photographs from you. 


You can use these premade templates that are already done for you. You just send them to your client and have them fill it out and send it back to you.  Then all you have to do is copy and paste into your blog post! 

OK, so how does your blog get found besides social media? The first way is Google/SEO. 

SEO, Search Engine Optimization. 

I’m not going to talk in depth about SEO, but I will give you a summary so that you can understand how it works. 

SEO is all about understanding what your client is looking for, and putting it out there for them to find. 

Rather than wasting money on shoving ads in front of them when they aren’t technically looking for it, you have the information published and waiting there for them when they are willingly typing it into their search bars looking for it. People love to be able to say THEY found this or that. 

For example, if you are a family photographer, a potential client in your area types in to Google, “Family photographer near me”. 

Google is going to first recognize that person's location, and then crawl the entire internet to look for all of those keywords. Go ahead and do this now. See what your results are. You will notice at the top of the results there are people that have paid Google to be at the top of those results. Under the paid results should be other photographers in your area. 

Newsletter and Blog Content for Photographers

How Can I Get Found With SEO?

First you need to identify your specific keywords that you will be using throughout your blog posts. 

What do you do?

Where are you located? 

Those two are going to be your main keywords. 

Family photographer in {city, state}

Maternity photographer {city, state}

Children photographer {city, state}

And so on. 

PRO TIP: Set up a Google My Business page. It is completely free. When you google a business and it shows you their hours, reviews, and images, this is from their Google My Business account. This will also help when people are searching for your services. 


You are going to use those keywords within your blog post. 

Change The Name Of Your Images

When you post your images to your website, you are more than likely pulling them from the file they are kept in on your computer and posting them correct? Which means, the name on those images are probably something like, DSC008.jpg, or something similar correct? 

188 Prewritten Blog Posts for Photographers

Make a copy of those images and rename them to reflect your keywords! Google not only looks for the keywords in your post, but on your images as well! So DSC008 means absolutely nothing to Google and it will toss it aside in its search. But name it with your keywords and Google will reward you with your search results ranking higher!

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