7 Tips to Help You Write A Photography Blog Post Fast

We wear many hats in our photography business, and creating content is no exception. Content is one of the ways we get found by potential photography clients. But we also know that it can take a lot of focus and energy to get that content out of our heads and published.

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Trust me I completely understand even after blogging about photography for several years now. There are many distractions that are unnecessary, especially when I am trying to come up with something to write about. Those distractions become ten times worse! 

If you could publish at the very least 2 blog articles per month, it would help your photography business get seen that much more!

More content - More chances to be found - More clients - More income!

Check out these tips and then apply them to your photography article writing. Come back here and let me know how you did!

Tips to Help You Write A Photography Blog Post Fast

Tip 1: Remove Distractions

If it’s your cell phone that is distracting you, put it on airplane mode. That way you can still get important texts if you absolutely need to, but silence the things you don’t need to know about right now. 

Go somewhere else to write. Most of the time I do work in my office. But I do have my days where I just need to be somewhere else to get my brain activity flowing. 

Even as simple as taking my laptop and going to a different room in the house, or outside on the back deck. 

Tip 2: Set a Timer

Maintain the discipline to complete the task at hand and avoid getting sidetracked by the many temptations. 

As a business owner, it’s hard not to get carried away with multitasking. Set a timer for 15- 20 minutes, specifically for writing. Set that timer and get as much out of your head and on to that computer as possible!

Don’t worry about it being perfect. Just get as much wrote down as possible and then if you need to, go back and fix it. 

Tip 3: Track Your Progress

I like to think that I can remember everything I need to do on a daily basis, but really I just can’t. Even the things I do repetitively, I still forget to do them. 

Not only am I a photographer, but I also run social media accounts for small businesses. And I have daily tasks that need done every single day with each account. 

I created spreadsheets for each account, and then I labeled the daily tasks. Once I have completed that task for the day, I fill in the cell with the correlating color. 

Mentally for me it helps so much! I LOVE seeing those cells filled in! Even if it's a super small task, I still feel very accomplished. And that small accomplishment helps boost my motivation to get the rest done for the day. 

Step 4: Write Small Consumable Content

When you are blogging your photography sessions, you don’t need to carry on and on with words. Yes, you do need to work your keywords into your article. The way to make your article consumable by the reader and not lose their interest is to make your paragraphs short and sweet. 

Step 5: Write an Outline

Sometimes it helps to jot down an outline of what you want to include in your article. List out some keywords you want to include as well as some details from your session that you want to talk about. 

Step 6: Write Like You Speak. 

Of course you don’t want to physically type out  the ummms and uhhhs that we sometimes say when we are actually talking. But writing in your tone will make it easier to create the content as well as help your potential photography clients get to know you a little better. 

Step 7: Final Touches

Now that you have your photography blog post article almost ready to go, here is a little checklist to go over before publishing: 

  • You have your keywords listed in your title and body

  • You renamed any images you are using with your keywords and location

  • Read your article out loud

  • Double checked your spelling and grammar

Helpful Tools for Blog Article Writing:

Fill in the blank blog post content for photographers from BP4U

Quillbot - To help with rewording your content

Canva - For Graphics

Grammarly - Helps to ensure proper grammar and spelling

Mailerlite - For sending out newsletters with your blog posts to your current and potential photography clients

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