5 Easy Tips to Go From a Hobby Photographer to a Paid Photographer

A lot of people say that this market is saturated. If you see it the way I do, then it's not. There are billions of people on this planet. And each individual person is different from the next. BUT, we all relate with someone. You just have to take the time to find your ideal client. When you research who your ideal client is, and market to them, they will flock to you! 

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For the transition of photography from hobby to your very own business, there are a few things you can do: 

Market Your Photography Skills – Sell yourself, in other words, let people know about what you can do in the field of photography, why they need your skills and why they should hire you. When you are confident in what it is that you do, and can talk about it with confidence, people tend to see you with authority. Be consistent and keep putting yourself out there!

Join Facebook Groups – Maybe its a mom group that is local. Get to know them by participating in group posts. If they ask questions that you can answer, don’t be afraid to jump in. Remember, when people find others that relate to themselves in one way or another, they tend to want to check out who that person is. So make sure you have your business updated on your personal profiles.

Join Photo Competitions – This can be a great learning experience. Sometimes you might lose, but then you will build your skills in the long run. When you win, you get the privilege of adding that badge to your website for potential clients to see. 

Offer Your Skills For Free to Non Profit Projects – Volunteer at animal shelters, family events, running events, concerts, dance recitals.  All of these are great opportunities to volunteer your services, and get to know people. Make connections and possible potential clients. 

Offer Samples of Your Work to Newspapers and Magazines – This is just like joining a photography competition. When you offer samples of your work to newspapers and magazines, you’re improving the chances that you’ll get noticed. When they use the images, they will give you credit. I know our local news station changes their Facebook cover photo often with their viewer images. And they always tag the source. 

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