10 Tasks to Get More Photography Clients
Doing one little thing every single day can help keep your business on a clients, or potential clients radar, so that when the time comes for them to need photography services, you are who they are going to think of.
Below are 10 things you can do to help get more photography clients.
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Reach out to three vendors that can impact and help your business. For example, if you're a newborn photographer this could be a doula, baby boutique, or an OBGYN office. For boudoir photographs, that could be a lingerie studio or makeup artist, or for an engagement/wedding photographer it could be a boutique bridal shop, jewelry store, or florist. Shoot them a quick email introducing yourself.
Reach out to all previous and current clients to make sure their contact information is up-to-date. Also make sure you have their important dates in your calendar (you can create a separate calendar for this if necessary). Doing this will allow you to send birthday cards, anniversary cards, small gifts, or whatever it might be.
Send a previous client a “Thinking of You!” email and send them well wishes! This could be a client that you haven't heard from in a long time, or someone who maybe just reached an important life milestone that you’re aware of (pregnancy, new job, promotion, new house). Better yet — if you feel really motivated and still have their address on file, send them a postcard in the mail!
Post a throwback photo on social media of one of your clients with a special memory you have from the session or event. Make sure to tag them, as well. Some examples: couples who have an upcoming anniversary, babies or children who are coming up on a birthday, or simply a throwback because you really loved the image and want to share it again.
Have any babies with birthdays this month? Send out a special social media post just for them wishing them a happy birthday, making sure to tag those special parents. Alternatively, send an individual email wishing them happy birthday.
Send your website or social media page (however you show people your portfolio) to someone you trust and ask them to share honest feedback about its usability and appeal. This is important when building your business because you want the website to be attractive, engaging, and user-friendly.
Send your pricing to a photographer peer and a non- photographer and ask them for their thoughts. Seek a non- peer who’s in your target niche and a photographer who’s in your niche.
When’s the last time you blogged? Head over to your website and put up a quick post. If your blog is staying idle and you have it on your website, this can make it appear as if you’re not getting any work! It doesn't have to be a long post or a grandiose post — just something to let viewers know you're alive and shooting'!
Have you been posting your work to your personal social media profiles? If not today, is a great day to post some of your recent favorites and let people know that you're loving your life as a photographer! Sometimes we forget to update our personal pages. Try doing this once a month!
DAY 10
Set aside five minutes to write down three goals you want to accomplish this month. Put them in a safe place or in your notes on your phone. It’s been scientifically proven that writing down your goals means you’re more likely to achieve them.
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